Sync Product and Inventory Data

Near real time syncing

Stock2Shop fetches changes in product information from your Sage Intacct on a regular basis and sends these updates to Shopify. So if your pricing or stock levels are adjusted on Sage, it won’t be long before these changes reflect on Shopify.

Choose the data to sync

You get to decide which data fields are synced from your Sage Intacct database. You can also choose whether a particular field is managed by Sage, Stock2Shop or Shopify.

Product information management (PIM)

Use Stock2Shop as a PIM to enrich product data not found in Sage Intacct. You are able to make your products more presentable for online selling by adding images, long descriptions and other marketing material. This is particularly useful when sending product data to multiple online stores because you can manage your product enrichment in one place.

Run multiple online stores from one Sage Intacct database

Once your product data has synced onto Stock2Shop and you have added product enrichment such as images and descriptions, opening data feeds to multiple Shopify websites is easy.

Error management

If an update fails to process to your Shopify website, an error will appear in your Stock2Shop console and you will be sent an email notification. The error will give an indication of what caused the update failure, and once you’ve rectified the issue, you can reset the update to try again.

Click here to view our Sage Intacct feature set.

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