Integrate Your ERP With Your Ecommerce Platforms

Sync stock and price to your online sales channels, and automate orders into your Accounting system.

Benefits of integrating your ERP with your ecommerce platforms

Eliminate data duplication - price and inventory updates made in your ERP (or accounting system) are synced to all your ecommerce platforms.

Automate order raising - online orders are automatically raised in your ERP as sales orders, or invoices.

Expand your online reach - sync your products to Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce, B2B Trade Stores and online marketplaces.

Take wholesale online - display customer specific stock and pricing with the Stock2Shop B2B Trade Store.

Reduce human error - by managing all your vital product data in one place (your ERP), the risk of overselling or publishing incorrect pricing is virtually eradicated.

Book a free demo or contact us for more information.

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