Sage 200Cloud Ecommerce Integration
Sync stock and price to your B2B and B2C online sales channels, and automate orders into your Sage 200Cloud.
Expand your online reach - Sync your products to Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce, B2B Trade Stores and Online Marketplaces.
Reduced data entry - Reduce the amount of data entry required by automatically syncing product data from Sage 200Cloud to your ecommerce sales channels. This can save you time and money.
Increased efficiency - Automate many of the tasks involved in running your ecommerce business, such as inventory management, pricing, and order processing. This reduces the reliance on human capital, saving on overheads and/or freeing up employees to focus on other more value add tasks, such as customer service and marketing.
Improved accuracy - Improve the accuracy of your inventory and pricing data by minimising the need for manual interventions. This can help to prevent stockouts and ensure that customers are always getting the best prices.
Enhanced customer experience - Provide a better customer experience by making it easier for customers to find the products they are looking for, place orders, and track their orders.
Improved scalability - Scale your operations seamlessly by efficiently managing inventory, orders, and pricing across multiple ecommerce sales channels. This scalability allows businesses to handle increasing sales volumes without compromising on accuracy or customer experience.