Create Listings on Amazon via the API

Amazon listings are the virtual storefronts that serve as the gateway to product discovery and purchase. With the advent of the Amazon Selling Partner API (SP-API), sellers now have a powerful tool at their disposal to enhance and optimise their listings for better visibility and sales growth. In this article, we focus on the fields that can be updated via SP-API and the transformative impact this capability can have on sellers' success.

Note, the ability to create listings on Amazon is not yet available with Stock2Shop integtration, and will be rolled out in Phase 2. Currently, you can use Stock2Shop to update offer data (including pricing and inventory).

What is an Amazon listing?

Amazon listings serve as the digital placeholders for products available on the marketplace, providing customers with essential information to make informed purchasing decisions. Each listing encompasses a range of fields from product titles and descriptions to images, variations and more. These fields collectively shape the listing’s appearance, relevance and appeal to potential buyers, exerting a significant influence on its visibility and performance on Amazon.

Which Amazon listing fields can I update with the API?

SP-API offers a comprehensive suite of endpoints that enable sellers to programmatically update various fields within their listings, ensuring accuracy, timeliness and consistency in their product catalogue. Let’s explore some of these key fields:

1. Images: You can leverage SP-API to upload and modify product images and media, enhancing visual appeal and engagement. High-quality images and multimedia assets can captivate buyers' attention and drive conversion.

2. Product title and description: SP-API allows you to dynamically update product titles..

3. Variations and attributes: You can utilise SP-API to manage product variations, attributes and specifications, offering customers an array of options to choose from. Whether it's size, colour or style, SP-API facilitates seamless management of product variations to cater to diverse consumer preferences.

4. Product description: Automatically update descriptions to refine messaging, incorporate keywords and adapt to evolving market trends and customer preferences.

5. Pricing and inventory (offers): SP-API enables you to adjust pricing dynamically, responding to competitive pressures, promotional campaigns, and market fluctuations in real-time. You can also monitor and update inventory levels, ensuring that listings accurately reflect product availability. This is covered in more detail in our article on Amazon Offers

6. Bullet point information: You can automatically update the short, descriptive bullet point sentences that highlight the product's key features and differentiating characteristics.

Amazon product listing fields

How do I use the Amazon API?

With the Amazon API, you can refine product content to stay agile, responsive and competitive in a dynamic ecommerce landscape. If you don’t have any coding expertise, Stock2Shop will soon offer you the ability to harness the API with a pre-built Amazon connector. In the meantime, you can use Stock2Shop to automatically update your offer data and sync orders.

Give us a call to find out how you can sell on Amazon Marketplace more efficiently by integrating your ERP (or accounting system) with Amazon Marketplace.

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