SYSPRO + Leroy Merlin Marketplace

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Let Stock2Shop send product data from SYSPRO to the Leroy Merlin Marketplace. You can automate the creation of new products or link offers against products that already exist on Leroy Merlin. In addition, orders placed on the marketplace can be synced directly into SYSPRO. Here’s how we can help you streamline your workflow.

Sync product and offer data

Sync product and inventory data from SYSPRO to Leroy Merlin Marketplace.

Create products on Leroy Merlin’s marketplace with important information such title, image, category, vendor (or brand), description and dimensions. Create offers against products that exist already on Leroy Merlin’s marketplace with information such as price and stock quantity.

Near real time syncing

Our software continually monitors SYSPRO for changes in inventory information and sends these updates to your offers on Leroy Merlin. So if your pricing or stock levels are adjusted on SYSPRO, it won’t be long before these changes reflect on Leroy Merlin.

Run multiple online stores from one SYSPRO database

Once you’re integrated with Stock2Shop and are syncing product updates to Leroy Merlin, opening data feeds to other ecommerce channels is relatively easy. You could then run multiple online sales channels from one SYSPRO database.

Assign a price list

You decide which price list on SYSPRO is synced to the offer price on Leroy Merlin.

Sync inventory from one or multiple warehouses on SYSPRO

You can choose which warehouse (or combination of warehouses) on SYSPRO updates your stock quantities on Leroy Merlin.

Error management

If an update fails to process to Leroy Merlin, an error will appear in your Stock2Shop console and you will be sent an email notification. The error will give an indication of what caused the update failure, and once you’ve rectified the issue, you can reset the update to try again.

Click here to view our SYSPRO feature set.

Sync product and offer data
Automate raising orders

Automate raising orders

Raise your Leroy Merlin orders into SYSPRO. (functionality pending finalisation)

Select your document type

You can choose whether the order document created in SYSPRO will be a quote, sales order or invoice.

Custom notifications

Assign administrators in your business to receive notifications at various stages of the syncing process. You can also alert specific administrators of certain sync activity, eg the sales manager can receive notifications of successful orders and the IT manager can be notified of failed orders.

Set your debtors account

Create a default customer account on SYSPRO into which all Leroy Merlin orders will sync. This will prevent you from having loads of customer accounts on your ERP unnecessarily.

Error management

If an order fails to process to SYSPRO, an error will appear in your Stock2Shop console and you will be sent an email notification. The error will give an indication of what caused the failure, and once you’ve rectified the issue, you can reset the order to try again.

Click here to view our SYSPRO feature set.

Book a free demo or contact us for more information.

We would love to take you through a no-obligation demonstration of how Stock2Shop passes data between systems. Fill out the form below, and a salesperson will be in touch to arrange a conference call, or to simply contact us for more information.