
With this feature you can decide which customers are able to see which products. You're also able to decide which customers each of your sales reps is able to access.

In the below documentation we will be covering:

What are segments?

This feature creates relationships between customers and products, enabling you to create filters (segments). Using segments gives you the flexibily to specify which products each customer sees when logging in, as well as limit which customers are accessible to each sales rep on the Stock2Shop console. It is important to remember that this feature applies to the B2B Trade Store sales channel only.

How is a segment defined?

Segments are created by applying rules to the following:

  • Products - e.g. I want a B2B Trade Store customer to only see a product where a condition is true.
  • Customers - e.g. I only want a console user (sales rep) to see a customer where a condition is true.

Segment operators

A segment operator determines whether one or more condition is true. There are four types of such operators in Stock2Shop:

  • Equals: true when the value matches exactly
  • Less Than: true when the value is less than a specified amount
  • Greater Than: true when the value is greater than a specified amount
  • Lookup: true for multiple values (comma separated)

Use case 1 (applying operators)

You have a B2B Trade Store customer that should only see products that have a quantity greater than zero in a specific warehouse. Therefore the warehouse must match (Equal) a certain value and the quantity of the given product must be greater than zero. The resulting segments will be:

Segment 1
- Segment type = products
- Field = Warehouse Name
- Operator = Equal
- Value = mstr (master)
Segment 2
- Segment type = products
- Field = Warehouse QTY
- Operator = Greater Than
- Value = 0

Use case 2 (applying Lookup operator)

You have a B2B Trade Store customer that should only see products where the type is “shoes” or “caps”. Therefore the product type we need to look for (Lookup) is either “shoes” or “caps”. The resulting segment will be:

Segment 1
- Segment type = products
- Field = Type
- Operator = Lookup
- Value = shoes,caps

Note, all Lookup values must be comma separated, with no spaces in between.

Segment products by customer

This is particularly useful when you have many customers, but you need to determine which customers sees which products based on factors such as price, warehouse or other stipulated attributes.

Use case 1 (segment by price list)

We want customers assigned to “price list 1” to only see products that have a value greater than zero on “price list 1”. To achieve this, we would to create a relationship between these customers and products assigned to “price list 1” (excluding products with a price value of zero).

The resulting segments will be:

Segment 1
- Segment type = products
- Field = Price Tier Name
- Operator = Equal
- Value = price_list_1
Segment 2
- Segment type = products
- Field = Price Tier Price
- Operator = Greater Than
- Value = R0.00

As a result, this customer will only see products in “pricelist 1” with a price value greater than zero.

Use case 2 (segment by warehouse)

We want customers assigned to the “master warehouse” to only see products that have a stock level value greater than zero on the “master warehouse”. To achieve this, we would to create a relationship between these customers and products assigned to the “master warehouse” (excluding products with a stock level value of zero).

The resulting segments will be:

Segment 1
- Segment type = products
- Field = Warehouse Name
- Operator = Equal
- Value = mstr (master)
Segment 2
- Segment type = products
- Field = Warehouse QTY
- Operator = Greater Than
- Value = 0

As a result, this customer will only see products in the “master warehouse” with a stock level value greater than zero.

There may be many other ways you would like to segment products by customer, but the aforementioned use cases are the most commonly used methods.

Segment customers by console user

You are able to limit which customers can be viewed by a particular console user. This is useful in circumstances when you don’t want your sales reps to be able to see each other’s customer accounts.

To achieve this, when wholesale a customer is added to Stock2Shop, we include the sales rep associated to this customer and a segment is created based on this relationship.

Use case 1 (segment by customer)

We want sales reps to only be able to see customers to which they are assigned. We therefore sync the sales rep ID from the ERP / accounting system to an attribute on the customer’s account in Stock2Shop. A segment is then created based on the relationship between customer and sales rep ID.

The resulting segments will be:

Segment 1
- Segment type = customers
- Field = attribute key
- Operator = equal
- Value = rep_id
Segment 2
- Segment type = customers
- Field = attribute value
- Operator = equal
- Value = actual rep_id (123)

Segmenting products by console users

This is useful when you have many console users, but not all users require access to all the products in the console.

Use case 1 (segment products by user)

We want product editors to only see the product brands they are responsible for editing and enriching.

The resulting segments will be:

Segment 1
- Segment type = products
- Field = vendor
- Operator = equal
- Value = brand_name

Note, only Admin users have the ability to create segments on other Stock2Shop console users.

Segment limitations

An important limitation of this feature to be aware of is that you are not able to add more than one segment field. For example, if you are trying to segment by “brand”, you can’t add two brand segments. If you try doing this, you will overwrite the first brand segment.

A practical example of this would be:

Segment 1
- field: "Price Tier Name"
- Operator: Equals
- value: PriceList1

If you then add…

Segment 2
- field: "Price Tier Name"
- Operator: Equals
- value: PriceList2

…the first segment (segment 1) will be overwritten.